Posts tagged Tessa OToole
Tessa O'Toole

Tessa is a Certified Nutrition Specialist and has a master's in nutrition and integrative health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. Tessa blends her functional nutrition perspective with Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size to help people improve their wellbeing, while also supporting a healthy relationship with food and their body.

Tessa is passionate about reducing the shame and guilt that can often be experienced in health and wellness. Through working with Tessa, clients will uncover what is at the root of their symptoms and behaviors. She believes that all foods can fit into a healthy diet, as long as they bring you joy.

When she isn't busy working with clients or tackling diet culture, you can find her trail running in the mountains, sitting on the couch with her cats or on a patio (social distancing) enjoying a cider or two.

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