Holistic Mold Recovery Guidebook

Holistic Mold Recovery Guidebook
Our team at Always Growing Nutrition created this guidebook to help you navigate mold and mycotoxin health-related issues as we know they are far-reaching. We are functional nutritionists who specialize in women's digestive and hormonal health, as well as complex health issues and we've seen hundreds of clients struggling with mold toxicity. Mold exposure is about more than just addressing mycotoxins in your body since exposures typically happen at home, which requires home testing and potentially remediation to ensure that you are not continuously being exposed to mycotoxins that are preventing you from healing. This complex illness requires a multi-faceted approach to ensure full recovery - diet, lifestyle, and supplements to fully support recovery.
We've included some additional information about mold and mycotoxins, including why they are so dangerous to us and a wide range of symptoms that you may experience due to exposure and overgrowth in the body. You'll also find all of our top lifestyle recommendations to support detoxification at home, information on testing your home and hiring a qualified remediator if necessary, and some of our favorite therapeutic supplements to support you in your journey.
Mold toxicity is complicated, and while making changes to diet and lifestyle will help ensure that you are not continuing to be poisoned by mycotoxins, it's often not enough to ensure full eradication of these microbes. There are other considerations for why mycotoxin overgrowth occurs in the body, such as heavy metals, parasites, and limbic dysfunction that must be explored in many cases. If you're interested in working with our team of mold experts, we'd love to chat more about our process.
Contents include:
What are mold & mycotoxins?
Impacts of mold toxicity
Symptoms associated with mold toxicity
Nasal Support & Castor Oil Packs
Getting Sweaty & Sauna
Detox Baths
Lymphatic Drainage
Nervous System & Limbic Support
Air purification & Water Filtration
Testing your Body & Home
Hiring a Qualified Mold Inspector
Dietary recommendations
Supplement considerations
Commonly Asked Questions