GI-Map: Getting Answers

The gut is the center of our universe, and while we strive to optimize digestion, we also want to know if we are fighting against anything that may need specialized attention. This is why we’ve begun including GI Maps into our practice for clients who may have pathogens in their system preventing them from reaching their health goals.

What is the GI Map?

The GI-Map is the most accurate and sensitive stool test available on the market and uses qPCR, which stands for quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. This looks for the DNA of pathogens by looking for nucleic acid through multiple phases, which allows the results to indicate even tiny amounts of DNA found in the stool sample. This means the GI-Map is able to not only detect the presence of pathogens, but also quantify them to determine when they have exceeded beneficial or healthy levels.

When we are thinking about pathogens, what does that really mean?

A pathogen is any organism that can cause disease. Sometimes this means digestive symptoms and sometimes it doesn’t, but pathogens can wreak havoc on our system by deteriorating the health of our gut and causing our immune system to work overtime in attempts to remove these potentially dangerous organisms. 

So what pathogens does the GI-Map look for?

  • Bacterial Pathogens (think E. coli, salmonella, and otherS)

  • Parasitic Pathogens (such as Giardia)

  • Viral Pathogens (norovirus, Epstein Barr, etc)

  • H. Pylori

  • Opportunistic Bacteria & Dysbiosis (10 screened for)

  • Potential Autoimmune Triggers (bacteria related to autoimmune disorders)

  • Fungi (Candida)

  • Yeast

  • Parasites - Protozoa and Worms

In addition to pathogens, the GI-Map also looks at markers of good health to help us determine 

Beneficial Bacteria 

Bacteria is an essential component of a healthy microbiome, but having those beneficial bacteria at the right levels and ratios is important for balanced health. We look at if anything is too low for promoting health, or if anything is too high and need rebalancing.

Digestion Markers

How is your digestive system breaking down your foods? Are there muscle fibers still intact from protein consumption? Are you breaking down vegetable fiber? What about fats? We look at all of this to check against the symptoms you’re experiencing with digestion.

GI Markers

Is there blood in the stool sample, even when you can’t physically see it? This is often a sign of internal bleeding or inflammation.

Immune Response

How is your immune system faring in your gut? Are they on high alert or are they worn down from working so hard already? Elevated levels indicate an up-regulated immune response within the intestinal terrain, while low immune function is an indication of compromised mucosal immunity. Chronically low immunity in the gut indicates loss of normal tolerance and is often found in individuals who have chronic digestive conditions, contributing towards intestinal permeability and the development of food reactions.

Inflammation levels 

The root of much gut dysfunction lies in inflammation, so we want to know how inflammation is playing a role in digestive health. We look for calprotectn levels, which indicate a high level of inflammation, diverticular disease, and even colorectal cancers. Calprotectin is often elevated with dysbiosis or food sensitivities.

Why is the GI-Map the best option?

This specific stool test may or may not be something your physician can order, which is why we’re offering it to clients. While there are several stool samples available, this is our go-to option due to its sensitivity and ability to measure a wide range of factors that may be effecting gut health to get a complete picture for working together.

Other stools tests often only determine whether a pathogen is positive or negative in the sample rather than determine if a pathogen is at harmful levels. This is important as some pathogens are transitory, meaning that they are common to see on stool tests, but will ultimately exit the body naturally without intervention.

Some stool tests also frequently use chemical reagents which can create variations in the results, while others use bacterial culture to identify microbial detection, which can be problematic as stool can grow or decay during transit, making it difficult to determine what is present at the time of collection versus what has been present during transit time to the lab. The GI Map bypasses these concerns by looking for the DNA of pathogens, ensuring that we are getting the most accurate look at what is present in your gut.

Common Questions

Who is this good for?

This is honestly good for all clients to consider, but it’s especially important for anyone struggling with digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal cramping, undigested food in stools, diarrhea, and constipation, as well as those with hormonal imbalances and autoimmune diseases. This helps us know exactly what we are working with to create a detailed protocol based on hard data.

How much does it cost? 

The GI-Map costs $335 and includes shipping both to you and back to the lab. They are delivered to your doorstep and we’ll provide all instructions for completing the test.

How long does it take to get the results back?

Delivery for results varies, but in general it’s 10-15 business days. Please note that there are some preparatory measures that need to take place prior to sample collection (removal of digestive enzymes, steroids, NSAIDs, etc) so each case varies and it’s best to discuss a realistic timeline with us.

What happens once we get the results back?

Results are emailed to your practitioner which are then shared with you. We strive to share your results immediately, then go through the process of creating a personalized protocol based on those results. We know you’re anxious to get your results back, so we want to get those in your hands as soon as possible to start considering. We’ll take a look at any pathogens to consider eradication, as well as look at your digestion markers to determine if assistance is needed. We take a functional approach to provide you digestive system with the help it needs to remove anything unwanted, balance beneficial bacteria, and optimize your digestion.

Do I need to have any other testing completed?

While it’s not required, having MRT food sensitivity testing completed can ensure we aren’t missing a huge piece of the puzzle for digestive health. If we are repairing damage in the gut without considering the food choices that have gotten us to this place or those that are causing inflammation, it can be difficult to heal fully. We’re always happy to discuss if this might be necessary based on your individual needs.

You may also want to consider re-testing with the GI-Map after 3-6 of protocol work with a practitioner to see changes in progress. While we’re confident you’ll be able to feel the difference, it’s also nice to see that we’ve been able to fully eradicate anything pathogens and balance your beneficial bacteria and digestive markers. It helps us determine what next steps may look like in order to give you the best health possible.

If you’re curious about the GI-Map and want to see if this might be a good fit for you to finally get to the bottom of your digestive concerns, heal your gut, improve hormone function, or support immunity, please apply to work with us and we’ll schedule a complimentary consultation call to discuss more details with you.