Are You Eating Too Much or Not Enough?

When I meet with clients looking to cut weight or body fat, they are often concerned they're eating too much and are nervous about how I'll ask them to eat less and how that will effect them. The truth is, however, that most people are not eating ENOUGH food. I hear more clients than not say they didn't think they could eat as much food, and then they see their unwanted weight disappear.

You see, the media and general culture has taught us that we are probably eating too much and this leads to body fat accumulation and weight gain. While this is certainly a real outcome, it's often not the case. When we put a general guideline on how much we should be eating as a population, we lose the customization that each of us need. By saying that everyone should consume roughly 1,200 calories per day leads to a lot of room for error, especially as most Americans eat primarily carbohydrates which the body converts to fat when eaten in excess. 

Each of us has unique energy needs to survive - for our body to function normally, and to sustain the lives we lead. These energy needs are based on not only the mass of our bodies (our weight) but also the tasks we perform throughout the day. The energy spent by someone who works on a construction site for 10 hours per day is going to be largely different than someone who sits at a desk in front of a computer. Their needs are different, and if these two people ate the same amount of food (even if their weight was similar) would have two very different experiences in terms of hunger and energy levels.

To take things a step further, our bodies are composed differently genetically, and we therefore metabolize foods differently. Tall and thin males can notoriously eat endlessly without gaining weight or body fat, whereas women who are short and curvy don't see the same outcome. These differences make our dietary needs unique.

So what happens when you aren't eating enough, or even not the right amounts of nutrients to sustain your body's needs? Your body turns your food into fat, it pulls energy from your muscles, and depletes your cells of nutrients to continue to function as best as it knows possible. When you get your nutrition aligned with the energy and macronutrient needs of your body, you'll be able to optimize your body fat percentage, support your every day functions and energy levels, and help with any training you're doing. 

Food in excessive is not the enemy it has been made out to be. By eating enough food, you'll feel better and likely look better. For help determining your unique energy and macronutrient needs, check out my custom plans